



- ithelicy =  in the policy の略 -


My favorite and memorable one in my everyday life.

Expressing the style adapting to the change of the times,

adding decorative functions to form and details of standard items.

ithelicy = abbreviation of “ in the policy ”

Phasellus semper gravida libero et laoreet. Aenean viverra nulla eget risus tempor consequat. Phasellus auctor nibh nec felis condimentum placerat. Quisque consectetur, lectus sit amet malesuada luctus, arcu massa vestibulum mi, ac rhoncus ligula nisi a ante. Donec lacinia massa non vulputate consectetur.




gusvana inc.

#107 1-14-15 Aobadai Meguro-ku Tokyo 153 0042

tel +81 3 3464 0575

fax + 81 3 3464 0576
